
  • Interviews allow you interact with the respondent.
  • You can have more contingency questions and a more complex survey in general.
  • Because of the added complexity, you can get more specific information from each respondent.
  • Both face to face and telephone interviews offer these advantages, however there are differences between the two.



Face to face:

  • A personal bond is established.
  • Surveys can last much longer.
  • Can get to hidden populations


  • You are limited to local respondents
  • You have a lower sample size
  • Respondents have no anonymity
  • Travel time and the length of interviews can add up.




  • Maintains the possibility of anonymity
  • You can have bigger samples
  • Cheaper to administer
  • Possibility of random digit dialing


  • Respondents still have the opportunity to hang up.
  • Many unlisted numbers
  • Random digit dialing produces many business and disconnected numbers