Telephone Interviews

  • Telephone interviews provide more anonymity than face to face interviews, and can be as anonymous as self-administered questionnaires.
  • The personal contact allows for more complex survey design and more open ended questions.
  • When using this method, you will usually have a copy of the questionnaire to read off and enter the responses into your codebook.
  • Larger and even national samples can be used because of the convenience of not having to travel.
  • The response rate is relatively good for telephone surveys.
  • Contacting respondents who are unavailable is as simple as making another phone call.
  • Surveys can be longer because the respondent cannot see how many questions are left.
  • Many phone numbers are unlisted or have been changed, making it hard to find some people.
  • Random digit dialing can be used to obtain a random sample, however it can be frustrating to dial business and disconnected numbers over and over.
  • Using only the person who answers the phone for your data can introduce biases because of the people who tend to answer the phone.