Face to Face Interviews

  • Face to face interviews provide the closest interaction between you and your respondent.
  • The standard procedure for a face to face interview is to have a personal copy of the questionnaire and mark responses directly in the codebook.
  • Care must be taken to maintain anonymity if promised.
  • Gaining access to people in the sample may be difficult using a face to face method.
  • While response rate is improved using this method, the geographical area that your sample can come from is limited.
  • Because of the limited time that you may have, you must be careful not to introduce biases into your data by using this technique.
    • Trying to conduct interviews at only one time, for example, can bias the data because of the people who tend to be at home at that time.
  • Surveys can be longer because the respondent cannot see how many questions are left.
  • You can gain access to hidden populations such as those without a telephone or mail.