CH113 - History of Chemistry - Goals



Course Goals

Syllabus - Week 1

Syllabus - Week 2

Syllabus - Week 3

Syllabus - Week 4

Labs and Projects

Background Texts

Grade Breakdown and Honor Code

Useful Links

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This course has the following goals (in order of increasing specificity):

1) To understand better your own learning styles, and to develop greater depth in using the multiple intelligences you have inherited.

2) To develop skills in the critical use of various information resources.  This will include the use of library print and web resources.

3) To improve your skills for communicating the information effectively through writing, speaking, and artistic expression.  This will be accomplished through the use of discussion groups, oral presentations, written reports, and laboratory creations.

4) To gain an understanding of how people of other times and cultures viewed their world "scientifically" and "chemically" compared to how you do in this time and culture.

5) To develop a basic understanding of the periodic relationship of atoms and how simple molecules are bonded.