Version 4.6
C>Data folderGlobal.mc4 Selected variables for the largest 174 nations N=174 V=32
SampleTS.mc4 Data file to demoTime Series analysis N=23 V=9
SeasonTS.mc4 Data file seasonal effects in Time Series N=36 V=3
States.mc4 Selected variables for the 50 states of the US N=50 V=40
Survey.mc4 Selected variables from the 1996 General Social Survey N=2904 V=53
Trendsmp.mc4 Selected trends US 1789 to 2010 N=222yr V=27
B>DataB>Duncombe_4.5.1 Data files on CC populationsMC46B>DataB>Duncombe_4.6 Data files on CC populations
MC46B>DataB>SampleQsBdemonstration module
B>DataB>SampTestBdemonstration moduleMC46
B>DataB>SampPassBdemonstration moduleMC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>EcologicalB>Cross Cultural (pre-industrial)
Xcafrica.mc4 Preindustrial societies of Africa N=111 V=99
Xcasia.mc4 Preindustrial societies of Asia N=81 V=99
Xccirmed.mc4 Preindustrial societies of the Mediterrean N=65 V=99
Xcnoamer.mc4 Preindustrial societies of North America N=124 V=99
Xcsoamer.mc4 Preindustrial societies of South America N=81 V=99
Xcsopac.mc4 Preindustrial Societies of South Pacific N=101 V=99
Xcstndrd.mc4 Standard Cross-Cultural Preindustrial Sample N=186 V=203
Xcworld.mc4 Atlas of World Cultures N=563 V=100
B>ArchiveB>EcologicalB>HistoricalCities.mc4 American cities 1900-1906 N=82 V=112
Colonial.mc4 15 original colonies of America N=15 V=53
England.mc4 England and Wales, 1840s through 1860s N=44 V=60
USA20-80.mc4 USA from the 1920s to the 1980s N=50 V=565
B>ArchiveB>EcologicalB>InternationalAfrica.mc4 Nations of Africa N=52 V=238
Asia.mc4 Nations of Asia N=40 V=238
Canada.mc4 Canadian Provinces and Territories N=12 V=123
Cancity.mc4 Largest Canadian Cities N=25 V=119
China.mc4 Provinces of China N=30 V=146
Europe.mc4 Nations of Europe N=38 V=238
Global01.mc4 174 nations of the world with population>200,000 N=174 V=238
Global99.mc4 174 nations of the world with population>200,000 N=174 V=238
India.mc4 22 states and 9 union territories of India N=31 V=194
IndiaR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=31 V=291
Japan.mc4 Perfectures of Japan N=47 V=558
Latin.mc4 Nations of Latin America N=27 V=238
Mexico.mc4 States of Mexico N=32 V=112
MexicoR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=32 V=276
B>ArchiveB>EcologicalB>States, Cities, & CountiesStates00.mc4 50 States of the US N=50 V=791
States01.mc4 50 States of the US N=50 V=90
States99.mc4 50 States of the US N=50 V=791
Stf1-90.mc4 Short form file from 1990 Census N=50 V=686
Stf3-90.mc4 Long form file from 1990 Census N=50 V=1607
UScounty.mc4 Counties of the US N=3140 V=470
B>ArchiveB>EcologicalB>States, Cities, & CountiesB>CitiesChicago.mc4 Chicago neighborhoods N=77 V=344
ChicagoR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=77 V=3348
Losangel.mc4 Cities of Los Angeles N=133 V=150
LosangelR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=133 V=3348
MSA90.mc4 Us Metropolitan Statistical Areas N=268 V=291
Seattle.mc4 Census Tracks of Seattle N=123 V=213
SeattleR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=123 V=3348
Stloarea.mc4 Counties of greater St Louis N=12 V=458
Stlouis.mc4 Census tracks of St. Louis N=49 V=339
StlouisR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=49 V=3348
Yorkadel.mc4 Counties of New York City and Philadelphia N=49 V=458
B>ArchiveB>EcologicalB>States, Cities, & CountiesB>Individual States50 files, one for each state. County level data on 458 variables.
B>ArchiveB>OtherB>CongressHouse103.mc4 Representatives in the 103rd Congress N=435 V=53
House104.mc4 Representatives in the 104th Congress N=435 V=63
House105.mc4 Representatives in the 105th Congress N=435 V=65
House106.mc4 Representatives in the 106th Congress N=435 V=36
Senate103.mc4 Senators of the 103rd Congress N=100 V=41
Senate104.mc4 Senators of the 104th Congress N=100 V=43
Senate105.mc4 Senators of the 105th Congress N=100 V=35
Senate106.mc4 Senators of the 106th Congress N=100 V=22
B>ArchiveB>SurveysB>InternationalB>Canadian Political Studies1983psc.mc4 1983 Canadian Election Study N=2107 V=227
8384psc.mc4 Political support in Canada N=1928 V=425
Cnecp88.mc4 1988 Canadian Election Study
BCampaign period N=3609 V=249Cnepe88.mc4 1988 Canadian Election Study
BPost-election N=3609 V=187Cnes84.mc4 1984 Canadian Election Study N=3377 V=471
Cnesq88.mc4 1988 Canadian Election Study-Self-administered N=3609 V=110
Cnewt88.mc4 1988 Canadian Election Study
Bweights N=3609 V=7Pre88psc.mc4 1988 Canadian Pre-Election Study N=2168 V=160
Pst88psc.mc4 1988 Canadian Post-Election Study N=1946 V=318
B>ArchiveB>SurveysB>InternationalB>ISSP (International Social Survey Programme)Issp1985.mc4 Role of Government N=7350 V=190
Issp1986.mc4 Social Netwroks and Suppost Systems N=10746 V=154
Issp1987.mc4 Social Inequality N=17009 V=179
Issp1988.mc4 Family and Changing Gender Roles N=12194 V=219
Issp1989.mc4 Work Orientations N=14773 V=268
Issp1990.mc4 Role of Government N=14897 V=256
Issp1991.mc4 Religion N=24970 V=356
Issp1992.mc4 Social Inequality N=23903 V=398
Issp1993.mc4 Environment N=28301 V=287
Issp1994.mc4 Family and Changing Gender Roles N=33590 V=189
Issp1995.mc4 National Identity N=30894 V=210
B>ArchiveB>SurveysB>InternationalB>Wvs (World Values Survey)Wvs.mc4 World Values Survey, 1990-1993 N=59169 V=356
also 43 data sets on individual countries with varying sample sizes and number of variables
MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>SurveysB>InternationalB>Wvs97 (World Values Survey)
Wvs95-97.mc4 World Values Survey, 1995-1997 N=78574 V=594
also 48 data sets on individual countries with varying sample sizes and number of variables
B>ArchiveB>SurveysB>USReligid.mc4 National survey of religious identification, 1989-90 N=113723 V=40
B>ArchiveB>SurveysB>USB>GSS (General Social Survey)Gss7200.mc4 All GSS surveys combined from
>72 through >00 N=40226 V=3252Gss7200R.mc4 same as above but the raw data file N=40933 V=3830
also a cleaned data set (no r) and a raw data set (includes r) for each of the following survey years: 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000
B>ArchiveB>SurveysB>USB>High School and BeyondHsben.mc4 Essential Variables N=11995 V=161
Hsben1.mc4 Opinion and activities variables N=11995 V=217
Hsben2.mc4 Education: curriculum and context variables N=11995 V=485
Hsben3.mc4 Education: costs and aid variables N=11995 V=252
Hsben4.mc4 Work and training variables N=11995 V=551
Hsben5.mc4 Personal health and self-concepts variables N=11995 V=87
Hsben6.mc4 Family finances variables N=11995 V=406
Hsben7.mc4 Facing the future variables N=11995 V=137
Hsben8.mc4 Testing: scores and responses variables N=11995 V=86
Hsben9.mc4 Military participation variables N=11995 V=67
B>ArchiveB>SurveysB>USB>NES (National Election Study)Nes00.mc4 1996 National Election Study N=1807 V=427
Nes00R.mc4 same as above but the raw data file N=1807 V=1869
Nes96.mc4 1996 National Election Study N=1714 V=682
Nes96R.mc4 same as above but the raw data file N=1714 V=1055
Nes98.mc4 1998 National Election Study N=1281 V=410
Nes98R.mc4 same as above but the raw data file N=1281 V=739
B>ArchiveB>TrendB>InternationalCnhistgrp.mc4 Cross-national Historical Trends, 1815- N=196yr V=144
(last in the list) 2010; this is the master file for all
countries; its
Afile notes@ discuss the dataset and how to merge country files to
make a custom data set.
Also 174 data sets for different nations, each with data for 196 years but varying number of
B>ArchiveB>TrendB>InternationalB>Other22 additional data sets for countries or areas that no longer exist as discrete geo-political
B>ArchiveB>TrendB>USUSTrend.mc4 Trends in the US from 1789 to 2010 N=222yr V=236