
Alum98 Survey of Colorado College alums from the class of 1993 N=198 V=308

Colo96 Survey of drug and alcohol use at Colorado College N=277 V=348

Colo98 Survey of drug and alcohol use at Colorado College N=292 V=344

FirstYears99 Survey of incoming CC students, fall 1999 N=290 V=278

Seniors99 Survey of CC graduating seniors, spring 1999 N=393 V=254

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Alum98 Survey of Colorado College alums from the class of 1993 N=198 V=308

Cirp2000.mc4  Survey of incoming CC students, fall 2000  N=391  V=281

Colo96 Survey of drug and alcohol use at Colorado College N=277 V=348

Colo98 Survey of drug and alcohol use at Colorado College N=292 V=344

Core99.mc4  Survey of drug and alcohol use, incoming CC students, fall 1999  N=234 V=237

FirstYears99 Survey of incoming CC students, fall 1999 N=290 V=278

NSSE01.mc4 National Survey of Student Engagement, Spring 2001, First Years and Seniors N=249  V=114

nsse99.mc4  National Survey of Student Engagement, Fall 1999, Sophomores and Seniors N=212  V=137

Seniors99 Survey of CC graduating seniors, spring 1999 N=393 V=254

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