Survey Research

  • Survey research asks people about themselves: what they think, what they do, who they are, etc.
  • The first decision to make when doing survey research is whether to administer the survey in person or remotely.
  • Both personal interviews and impersonal questionnaires have advantages and disadvantages. It is important to keep the limitations of each in mind when choosing a method.



(Face to face or telephone)

  • You can build rapport with the subject
  • The questions can be more complex
  • You can probe for fuller answers
  • You may obtain higher response rates


  • You are limited to local respondents
  • You have a smaller sample size
  • Respondents have no anonymity
  • Methods are more time intensive and expensive




(Mailed or handed out)


  • Maintains anonymity
  • You can have bigger samples
  • Much cheaper to administer


  • Respondents may not understand the question and are left without help
  • Limited to simpler question design
  • Lower response rate