Calculus I & II Policies and Requirements |
Prerequisites: | You must have successfully completed Calculus I to take this course |
Assessment: |
The course grade will be based on quizzes, homeworks, the midterm, and the final as follows:
Quizzes will be distributed after class, and will be due by 3:00 p.m. The quizzes are designed to take 20 - 30 minutes. Makeup quizzes and exams are only possible for pre-excused absences. The Midterm will be take home and open text book (but closed with respect to other books). Homework will be twice a week (there will be seven homeworks in all). Each problem will be graded on a scale from 0 to 3. Homework will be penalized by 10% for each day it is late. Homework cannot be accepted after the solutions have been distributed. |
Honour Code: | All tests and quizzes will be closed book, closed class-mate and should be entirely your own work. The final is to be taken in Palmer Hall or on the second floor of the Library. You may discuss and work on homework problems with one another, but you should not directly copy/read from another person's write up. Calculators and Mathematica may be used on some of the quizzes. |
Participation: | Participation includes such things as being involved in group/class discussion, asking questions in class, volunteering to present problems at the board, and class attendance. Please call me at XT 6275 if for some reason you must be absent. Attendance is expected for the midterm and the final. |
Assistance Out of Class: | In the afternoons, make use of my office hours! Para-professionals are available before and after class - check posted office hours for our paraprofessional Yoko (Palmer 130). Yoko will hold problem sessions on Monday and Wednesday afternoons also. Evening Calculus Tutoring is available from 7 - 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday in Palmer 126. |