MICROCASE BASIC STATISTICS CHI-SQUARE Chi-Square is a statistical test which determines the probability that any relationship evident in tabular data is due to sampling error alone. Chi-Square is a test of statistical inference, although there are a number of measures of association derived from it. There is another Chi-Square test called the "Goodness-of-Fit" test, also called the "Chi-Square one sample test," but this statistic is not available in MicroCase. Sidney Siegel discusses both Chi-Square tests in his Non-Parametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (McGraw Hill, 1956). Additionally, Logistic Regression generates a Chi-Square value that tests the significance of likelihood ratios. Logistic Regression is available in MicroCase under the Advanced Statistics menu. Consult Fred C. Pampel, Logistic Regression: A Primer (Sage University Paper, Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, #132, 2000) for a discussion of Logistic Regression. Chi-Square Test of Independence determines the probability that the relationship evident in the sample data could be due to sampling error if the two variables under consideration are indeed independent of one another in the population from which the sample was drawn. Table
1. Self-Reported Marital Happiness by Amount of Housework (also
self-reported) Done by the Respondent in Percentages. (From 1996 GSS) Table 1 shows a moderate relationship between perceived sharing of housework and happiness with one's marriage, but maybe this relationship is a fluke produced by the bad luck of the GSS having drawn an unrepresentative sample. The Chi-Square test determines the probability that if there were NO relationship between shared housework and marital happiness, what is the probability that sampling error could have produced such an unrepresentative sample that the GSS would have obtained data showing an apparent relationship. Table
0. Hypothetical Data for the Relationship Between Self-Reported
Marital Happiness and Amount of Housework Done by the Respondent. Table 0 shows NO relationship between perceived sharing of housework and happiness with one's marriage; in other words, Table 0 shows the table that we would have obtained if sharing of housework and marital happiness are independent of each other in the population and if we chose a representative sample of that population. The null hypothesis tested by the Chi-Square Test of Independence is that Table 0 is the relationship in the population. We reject the null hypothesis when we conclude that the probability is low that if Table 0 were true we could obtain Table 1 by sampling error alone. We retain the null hypothesis when the probability is high that if Table 0 were true, we could obtain Table 1 by sampling error alone. Chi-Square is calculated by comparing the observed frequencies to the expected frequencies. To calculate Chi-Square you would first convert both Table 1 and Table 0 to frequencies. The formula is:
Fortunately MicroCase has already done
that process for you (see "Expected" in the gray menu of
tables on the left side of the MicroCase Cross-Tabulation screen).
To calculate Chi-Square, for each cell of the table The Chi-Square
value is reported as one of the nominal statistics because Chi-Square
makes no assumptions about the level of measurement of the two variables. This makes Chi-Square a very useful statistical
technique. The Chi-Square value is reported as: DEGREES OF FREEDOM
last updated on October 25, 2002 |