Foreign Language or Foreign Study Requirement

Second-year college proficiency in a modern foreign language


Three units of credit from an approved program of study outside the U.S.

3-4 units

Other Courses

Introduction to International Political Economy (PS 375/EC 375), normally taken in the junior year

1 unit

Statistics (EC200, MA117, or BY220) 1 unit

PS 410 or 412—Political Science Senior Tutorial (1 unit)


PS 470—Seminar in International Political Economy (1 unit)


EC 498—Senior Thesis in International Political Economy (supervised by Economics and Business Department faculty) (2 units) [Prerequisites: EC 313 or EC 315 and Statistics and PS 375/EC 375]; thesis must be written based on an intermediate level course


PS450—Political Science Distinction Thesis (2 units)  [Prerequisites: High GPA and Department-. approved proposal]

1-2 units