Program In Comparative Literature
Colorado College
14 East Cache la Poudre
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 389-6815


1205 N. Tejon St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 389-0325


The Colorado College

Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and German

Director, Program in Comparative Literature


Stanford University

Ph.D. in German Studies and Humanities, January 1989.

Dissertation: "The Social Aspect of Weimar Classicism: Lyrical Context in Goethe's Der Geselligkeit gewidmete Lieder."

M.A. in German Studies, June 1982. Thesis: "Models for Ottilie in Goethe's die Wahlverwandtschaften."

Universität Düsseldorf, Goethe-Museum Düsseldorf

Fulbright Scholar for dissertation research, academic year 1987-1988.

Harvard University

Exchange scholar in Department of Comparative Literature, academic year 1983-1984.

Brigham Young University

B.A. in Comparative Literature with Honors, August 1981.




"Goethe und Schelling: Die Weltseele." forthcoming in Berliner Schelling Studien.

“The Living Landscape: Schelling, Goethe, Shelley.”  Inventing the Individual: Romanticism and the Idea of Individualism.  Ed. Larry Peer.  Brigham Young University Press, 2002, 49-71.

“Mathilda and the Ruin of Masculinity.”  European Romantic Review. 13.2 (2002): 175-182.

“Coleridge’s ‘The Pains of Sleep’: Philosophy, Poetry, Melancholy.” Prism(s): Essays in Romanticism.  9 (2001): 51-64.

“The Return of the Material: Goethe, Novalis, Schelling.” European Romantic Review.  12.4 (Fall 2001): 407-428.

" 'What More do You Want?': Iterability and Meaning in Lyric Texts." "Repetition, Readers, Irony." Der unzitierbare Text. Ed. Alexander Schwarz. Tausch 10. Bern: Lang Verlag (1997): 69-74, 99-104.

Polemic: Response to: Herbert Penzl, "Zu den Methoden der Lyrikanalyse: Eine Erwiderung auf William S. Davis' 'Subjectivity and Exteriority in Goethe's 'Dauer im Wechsel'." The German Quarterly 68.1 (Winter 1995) 64-66.

"The Intensification of the Body in Goethe's Die Leiden des jungen Werther." The Germanic Review 69.3 (Summer 1994): 106-117.

"'Menschwerdung der Menschen': Poetry and Truth in Hardenberg's Hymnen an die Nacht and the Journal of 1797." Athenäum: Jahrbuch für Romantik 4 (1994): 239-259.

"Subjectivity and Exteriority in Goethe's 'Dauer im Wechsel.'" The German Quarterly 66.4 (Fall 1993): 452-467.

"A Little Night Music: An Intertextual Reading of Goethe's 'Nachtgesang.'" Goethe Yearbook 6 (1992) 87-113.

"Frauenzimmerliche Handarbeiten: Reflections on Goethe's Poem 'Magisches Netz.'" Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik 22, Heft 2 (1991): 58-79.


Forthcoming in The Goethe Yearbook, review of: Astrida Tantillo, The Will to Create: Goethe’s Philosophy of Nature.  Pittsburgh UP: 2002.

Romanticism on the Net. Review of: Gillen D’Arcy Wood, The Shock of the Real: Romanticism and Visual Culture, 1760-1860.  New York: Palgrave, 2001.

  Review of: William H. Galperin, The Return of the Visible in British Romanticism. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1993. The Rocky Mountain Review 48.2 (1994) 200-202.

Review of: Simon Richter, Laocoon's body and the Aesthetics of Pain: Winckelmann, Lessing, Herder, Moritz, Goethe. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1992. Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies 30 (1994): 437-439.

Review of: Hans Eichner, Deutsche Literatur im Klassisch-romantischen Zeitalter. Bern: Peter Lang, 1990. Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies. 29.1 (February 1993) 72-74.

"The Third Term: Feminism and Psychoanalysis," Stanford Humanities Review. 2.1 (1991) 111-115. Review Essay of: Richard Feldstein and Judith Roof, eds. Feminism and Psychoanalysis. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1989.

Translation and Editing

"Dracula's Legacy" by Friedrich Kittler, Stanford Humanities Review 1 (Spring, 1989) 113-73. Translation of "Draculas Vermächtnis." Zeta 02/Mit Lacan, ed. Dieter Hombach (Berlin: Rotation, 1982) 103-37.

(Autumn 1988-1990) Co-founder and co-editor of Stanford Humanities Review: Helped create new literary journal, now in nation-wide distribution, focusing on the changing role of the Humanities within society and the academy.  Solicited and edited contributions of critical articles and poetry from such authors as: Friedrich Kittler, Gayatri Spivak, Gilbert Sorrentino, Adrienne Rich, and Leslie Norris.


Fall 1993-Present, The Colorado College

Comparative Literature: introductory survey and history course, Faust theme in literature, specialized topics in Romanticism, literary theory.

English: Romanticism, Blake, Byron and the Shelleys, Women Romantic Poets.

German: Classicism, Romanticism, Language.

Interdisciplinary Humanities: Utopias and Dystopias, Postmodernism, Freedom and Authority.

Director of "Freedom and Authority" program, interdisciplinary course for first-year students dealing with topics of power, personal responsibility, and social authority.

Fall 1989-Spring 1993, Brigham Young University. Assistant Professor of German.

Autumn 1982--Spring 1989, Stanford University. Lecturer in Humanities. Instructor of first and second year German.


September 2004

Member, Organizing Committee, North American Society for the Study of Romanticism conference, University of Colorado,  Boulder.  Paper “Journies to the East: Novalis and Shelley.”

November 2003

            “On Many Idealism: Fichte vs. Schelling.”  International Conference on Romanticism,  Marquette University.

August 2002

Chaired session “Representations of the French Revolution,” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario).

August 2001
 “Mary Shelley’s Mathilda and the Ruin of Masculinity”: North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Seattle, Washington.

October 2000
 Revision of “Coleridge’s ‘The Pains of Sleep’: Philosophy, Poetry, Melancholy”: American Conference on Romanticism, Park City, Utah.

 Invited Speaker. “Schelling’s Philosophy of Nature”: Utah Valley State College, Humanities Program.

September 2000

 Chair of panel on Samuel Taylor Coleridge, North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Tempe, Arizona.

July 2000
 “Coleridge’s ‘The Pains of Sleep’: Philosophy, Poetry, Melancholy”: The International Coleridge Conference, Cannington, England.

November 1999
 Revision of  “On the World Soul” (on Schelling and Shelley): American Conference on Romanticism, Bloomington, Indiana.

November 1999
 Chair of panel for Comparative Literature Section at the Midwest Modern Language Association Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota..

June 1999
 “On the World Soul”: North American Society for the Study of Romanticism Conference, Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.

November 1998
 “New Historicism and Literature: The Case of Romanticism”: Midwest Modern Language Association Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.

October 1998
  Revision of “The Body of the Poet: Novalis, Shelley”: The American Conference on Romanticism, Santa Barbara, California.

August 1998
 “The Body of the Poet: Novalis, Shelley”: Wordsworth Summer Conference, Grasmere, England.

October 1996
 “The Return of the Material: Goethe, Novalis, Schelling”: American Conference on Romanticism.

 “Materiality: Goethe, Novalis”: German Studies Association, Seattle, Washington.

February 1996
 Invited Speaker. “Goethe’s Aesthetics”: University of New Mexico, Humanities Symposium.

November 1994
 Invited Speaker. “Goethe and Schelling”: Brigham Young University, College of Humanities.

October 1994
 “Fantasy of Fullness: Goethe, Schelling, and the World Soul”: German Studies Association Conference, Dallas, Texas.

February 1993
 "Intensifying the Body in Goethe's Die Leiden des jungen Werther":  DeBartolo Conference on Eighteenth-Century Studies, with special focus on "The Body."  University of South Florida.

February 1991
 "The Mask of the Night: Death and Desire in the Serenade": Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, San Diego, California.

October 1986
 Chairperson of section on English Romanticism, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association: Solicited and selected papers for, and organized section on English Romanticism for RMMLA annual conference, Denver, Colorado.

August 1985
 “Wordsworth's The Borderers and Schiller's Die Räuber”: Wordsworth Summer Conference, Grasmere, England.

October 1984
 “Wordsworth and Schiller”: Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, El Paso, Texas.  (Elected chairperson for 1986.)