Here are some possible 5-minute topics for your second-week presentations:

# question
1 Just before they burst, soap bubbles lose their color and become very transparent. Why?

The flame of a candle or a match is of colors that vary from the bottom to the top of the flame. Why? Natalie has claimed this one.

3 Why does our smoke detector go off just before a lightning strike?
4 You stand on a bathroom scale and read your weight. If the air were pumped out of the room, would the scale's reading change?
5 How tall a drinking straw can you use? Does it matter if it's twisted? (Mike has claimed this question.)
6 I can get one set of notes out of the headpiece of a flute (this is a cylinder with a hole you blow into/over, and the other end open.) normally, but if I close off the other end, I get another set of notes. How are they different, and why?
7 Estimate the Fermi energy of copper.
8 Can one photon turn into an electron-positron pair?
9 What is the point of a throwing stick, or atlatl? Daniel has this one.
10 We have two chimes, one that vibrates at 440 Hz and one at 441 Hz. If you put them near each other and whack one of them, of course it chimes; if you stop it, you can hear the other one ringing, too. Strangely, if you whack and stop, sometimes the other chime is barely vibrating, sometimes it's got a pretty good amplitude, although never as strong as the whacked chime. Explain all this.
11 Explain the phase lag between tides and the moon's position. (Joe?)
12 Alice is doing rainbows.
13 Charles is going to tell us why different planets have different atmospheric pressures.