Colorado College Phipps Observatory
Telescope Operating Instructions

Start-up | Pointing | Shut-down


In the control room

  1. Sign into the Observing Log.
  2. Set switches on Front Panel to the following:
  3. Turn on computer using Front Panel switch, turn on monitor, and wait for desktop to appear.
  4. On Front Panel, turn on Motor Driver Chassis, by switching the MTR DRIVER CHASSIS switch up. NOTE: Wait five seconds before going to the next step. It takes some time for the driver electronics to initialize.
  5. Double click icon to open DFMTCS program.
  6. Double click icon to open The SkyX Pro program.

  7. In DFM Control System window...

  8. On Front Panel, set TRACK switch to ON (up).

In the dome

  1. Turn on computer monitor.
  2. Connect plug to hanging switch and open the upper dome slit using the lever. Disconnect plug when finished.
  3. Open the lower dome slit using the hand crank.
  4. Using hand paddle, slew the telescope west about 30-40 degrees and south a few degrees so that you can easily remove the telescope cover. Be careful not to slew out of bounds.


Pointing by using The SkyX Pro (Primary Method)

  1. Select object on screen.
  2. Click Slew.
  3. Click Yes to confirm slew.

Pointing by entering RA and Dec (need to change these!!)

  1. If starting from the MAIN MENU[^2], type 2 to select the Movement menu
  2. Select 1. Set Slew Position from the MOVEMENT MENU.
  3. Enter the RA and Dec and epoch of your object.[^3]
  4. Once you have entered the coordinates, press Enter. SLEW ENABLED should flash on the screen. Type 7 to select the 7. Start slew menu item to move the telescope.

Pointing by using the DFM Catalog of Astronomical Objects

  1. If starting from the MAIN MENU, type 2 to select the Movement menu
  2. Select **3. Select library object ** from the Movement menu
  3. Enter the three digit Object Number (NUM) from the DFM Catalog of Astronomical Objects.
  4. Once you have entered the Object Number, press Enter. SLEW ENABLED should flash on the screen. Type 7 to select the 7. Start slew menu item to move the telescope.

Shut Down

In the control room

  1. On Front Panel, set TRACK switch to OFF (down).
  2. To put dome in home position:

In the dome

  1. Make sure the crosshairs on the finder scope have been turned off.
  2. Slew the telescope south and west again to replace the cover. Be careful not to slew out of bounds.
  3. To move telescope to zenith position:
  4. Close the lower dome slit first by using the hand crank.
  5. Connect plug to hanging switch and close the upper dome slit using the lever. Disconnect plug when finished.
  6. Turn off computer monitor.
  7. Turn off red dome lights.

Back in the control room

  1. In The SkyX Pro window...
  2. Quit The SkyX Pro and DFM Control System windows.
  3. On Front Panel, to turn off the Motor Driver Chassis, set the MTR DRIVER CHASSIS switch to OFF (down).
  4. Shut down computer from start menu.
  5. Sign out of Observing Log.