Setting-up Instrument Files

IRAF will do much CCD image calibration automatically once it is set up properly. Some of the information IRAF needs to do this is stored in a particular directory in the IRAF directory tree. This page describes how you can put the needed files for the CC Observatory CCD into the appropriate IRAF directory. First download the ZIP file with the files.

The rest of the process is done from the UNIX command line so start by opening running the and creating a new terminal window.

  1. Copy the cco.tar and the wiro.tar files to your Desktop directory with the cp command or using the Finder.
  2. Use cd to go to the IRAF directory where the files need to be placed. The proper IRAF directory is /Users/sburns/anaconda/envs/iraf27/iraf/noao/imred/ccdred/ccddb with sburns replaced by your username.
  3. Copy the cco.tar and the wiro.tar files from your Desktop to the ccddb directory.
  4. Use the tar command to uncompress the files. For example, tar xvf wiro.tar will extract the wiro directory and it's files.

When you have finished there should be two new directories called cco and wiro in the ccddb directory. Below is a the terminal session for a successful installation of the instrument files

~$ cp Downloads/SetInst/cco.tar ~/Desktop
~$ cp Downloads/SetInst/wiro.tar ~/Desktop
~$ cd /Users/sburns/anaconda/envs/iraf27/iraf/noao/imred/ccdred/ccddb
ccddb$ cp ~/Desktop/cco.tar .
ccddb$ cp ~/Desktop/wiro.tar .
ccddb$ tar xvf cco.tar
x ./._cco
x cco/
x cco/
x cco/
x cco/._old-ST-1001E.dat
x cco/old-ST-1001E.dat
x cco/
x cco/
x cco/
x cco/
x cco/._ST-1001E.dat
x cco/ST-1001E.dat
ccddb$ tar xvf wiro.tar 
x ./._wiro
x wiro/
x wiro/._.DS_Store
x wiro/.DS_Store
x wiro/
x wiro/
x wiro/._DoublePrime.dat
x wiro/DoublePrime.dat
x wiro/
x wiro/