Quiz #3

Survey research

1. Drag the advantages listed below to match them with their corresponding method. Click "submit" to check your answers.






___________Questionnaire advantages_______________________________Interview advantages

Drag 1
Drag 2
Drag 3
Drag 3
Drag 3
Drag 3
Target 1
Target 2

2. Drag the disadvantages listed below to match them with their corresponding method. Click "submit" to check your answers.






___________Questionnaire disadvantages______________________________Interview disadvantages

Drag 1
Drag 2
Drag 3
Drag 3
Drag 3
Drag 3
Target 1
Target 2
3. Questions which measure people's attitudes ask:
What people believe is true and false.
The accuracy of people's beliefs.
What people think is desirable.
How people's beliefs affect their actions.
4. Which question should come first in a questionnaire?

"What is your age?"
"How do you feel about abortion?"
"Parenting is a hot topic in society, do you think that parents are raising their children properly?
"Would you choose adoption over abortion if all abortions were illegal?"

5. What type of question should come first in a questionnaire?

Interesting questions that will interest the subject
Demographic questions.
Attribute questions.
Sensitive questions.
6. What was the primary flaw with the previous question?

There was no problem.
It was not exclusive.
It was redundant.
It was not exhaustive.
7. Acquiescent response is:

The tendency for people to agree with a response associated with a respected person or organization.
A method of eliciting a response from the respondent.
The tendency for people to agree with a concept rather than negate it.
The tendency for people to skip long questions.
8. Which describes the relationship between the record and the codebook best?

The record contains the questions, answers, and codes while the codebook contains raw data.
The codebook contains the questions, answers, and codes while the record contains raw data.
The record is made before the study is conducted while the codebook is made after.
They are different terms for the same thing.
9. Listwise deletion will eliminate ________ than pairwise deletion.

more cases than
less cases than
the same number of cases as

10. What part of your survey is most influential in determining response rates?

Incentives attached.
Your cover page.
Your survey questions.
Your method of research.