Quiz 2

The Basics

1. Match the advantages of each method by dragging the statement to its corresponding method.






_________Non-reactive advantages______________________________Reactive advantages

Drag 1
Drag 2
Drag 3
Drag 3
Drag 3
Drag 3
Target 1
Target 3

2. Match the disadvantages of each method by dragging the statement to its corresponding method.







______Non-Reactive disadvantages_____________________________Reactive disadvantages

Drag 1
Drag 2
Drag 3
Drag 3
Drag 3
Drag 3
Target 1
Target 2
3. An indicator of a concept:
Is a research question that tells the researcher about a concept.
Is a theory about the interaction of 2 variables.
Is a step in the process of developing research questions which allows the researcher to properly follow theory.
Is created by narrowing down a broad topic to something that is observable.

4. Ways to clarify a concept include:

(check all that apply and then press the "submit" button.)

Choice 1 Gathering a collection of definitions and taking common elements.
Choice 2 Taking a poll of random people.
Choice 3 Using a commonly accepted definition.
Choice 4 Creating your own definition based on your research.
5. What is one of the three items necessary in proving causation?

Proper sample size.
Teleology of variables.
Temporal order.
Validity of measures.
6. The statement "65% of U.S. citizens have cars while only 20% of Mexican citizens have cars. Because having cars means that you are rich, the U.S. is richer than Mexico" contains what kind of error in logic?

Ecological fallacy
7. The ecological fallacy is:

A mismatch in units of analysis.
Circular reasoning.
Using non-scientific measures to prove causation.
When a better explanation can be found for an apparent association.
8. A measure is valid if:

You get consistant results.
You get similar answers from all subjects.
The same measure is used throughout your study.
The measure represents the concept being studied.
9. A consistancy of answers across time indicates:
Representative reliability.
Stability reliability.
Face reliability.
Equivalence reliability.
10. Which is not a method of random sampling?

Systematic sampling
Stratified sampling
Cluster sampling
Snowball sampling
11. To ensure that you get enough of a small population in your sample, what is the best random sampling technique?
Stratified sample
Simple random sample
Random digit dialing
Cluster sample