Increasing response rates of mailed questionnaires.

  • Because people have little motivation to complete and return mailed questionnaires, it is important to take steps to maximize the response rate if you choose to use this method.
  • The cover letter is important in introducing yourself and your survey. It provides the best chance for motivation because it is the first and sometimes only part of the survey that subjects will read.
  • The cover page should include:
    • Straight-foward, business-like language.
    • An official letterhead from the organization.
    • The date that it will be mailed.
    • The address and name of the person who should complete it.
    • A short description of what the survey is about and why it is useful.
    • A description of how the subject was chosen and why they should complete and return the survey.
    • The guarantee of confidentiality.
    • An explanation of how to get the final results once the study is done.
    • A way for the subject to contact you with any questions.
  • The questionnaire should be sent out with real stamps and should include a return envelope with stamps included.This is more personal and looks less like advertising.
  • You can include small items as incentives while sending you questionnaire to improve response, however this also increases costs.
  • Follow-up letters are important to increase response rates. These should become more assertive as time progresses, using two or three attempts to contact the sample.
  • Questionnaires which were not delivered properly should be checked for the correct address. Updated addresses may be needed.
  • You should be available to answer any questions about the questionnaire should people have them.