Plato Questions

Day 1: Euthyphro and Apology

1. Socrates represents a new way of being human.  What is this new way and how does it differ from the ways of the Homeric hero or the tragic hero*

2. What is Socratic irony (give examples) and why is it crucial to Socrates' philosophical aims?

3. How can Socrates say "nothing can harm a good man either in life or after death."  What is it about Socratic goodness which makes a person impervious to harm?

Day 2:  The Phaedo

The Phaedo goes through a number of arguments for why the soul is immortal. Choose any one of these arguments, state it, and say whether it works or doesn't work. *

Day 3: Symposium

1.  Look at each of the speeches prior to Socrates' speech. What is the essential insight of each speech and how do they build on one another?

2.  What does Aristophanes' myth tell us about what it means to be human and why we love?  What is the fundamental conflict between Aristophanes' account and Socrates?*

3. What is Socrates' theory of love? (Why do we love?  What do we love?  What is the path of love? What fully satisfies love?)*

4. What does the Alcibiades episode teach us about Socrates and love?*



Aristotle Questions:

Day 1:

What are the necessary conditions for the possibility of becoming a self-determining individual?*

What are the conditions necessary for achieving happiness?*



Day 3: What is Aristotle's concept of the unmoved mover; what is his argument for the existence of the unmoved mover? How does the unmoved mover move without moving?*
