Homework on the Roman calendar
For the following three problems we will be using the Roman Republican
calendar (and not Julius Caesar’s calendar).
- Consider
the month October in the Roman republican calendar. What would the Romans call the days
October 10, October 14, October 15, October 27?
- Consider
the month Aprilis in the Roman republican calendar. What would the Romans
call the days April 10, April 14, April 15, April 27?
- What
we call the Roman Republican dates ante diem XII kal. Sex.? What about ante diem XII kal.
- The
battle of Actium took place in 31 B.C. (at which Octavian defeated the
last of his enemies, and set the stage for him becoming Emperor
Augustus). What is the year of
this battle ab urbe condita?
What about the year of Augustus’s death (14 A.D.)?