MA 117 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Prof. Jane McDougall | Barnes 101 |
Palmer Room 134 |
9:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. |
Office Phone: 389 6275 |
Office Hours: M - Th 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. |
Statistics, 3rd Edition, by Freedman, Pisani and Purves.
The course grade will be based on quizzes, homeworks, the midterms, and the final as follows:
Quizzes |
15% |
Homework |
10% |
Midterm |
20% |
Final |
25% |
Project |
20% |
Lab Work |
5% |
Participation |
5% |
Quizzes will be distributed after class, and will be due at 3:30 p.m. There will be
eight quizzes in all. Makeup quizzes and exams are only possible for pre-excused
absences. However, your lowest quiz score will be dropped.
Homework will be due on twice a week. Questions will be graded on a three point scale according to the accuracy of your answer. You may work in pairs, turning in just one paper, or individually if you prefer. Late homework will be accepted, but penalized by 10% for each day past due. Homework cannot be accepted after the solutions have been distributed!
The Project will be due in three phases. You will decide on your research
question early on in the block (phase I). The second phase involves collecting
and carrying out initial analyses on your data. The third phase consists of a full
write up and additional statistical analysis consistent with the new statistical
methods studied in class. Everyone must carry out their own project.
Honour Code You may discuss homework problems with one another, but you should not directly share answers. The midterm and final are to taken in Barnes, Palmer Hall or in the Library. All tests and quizzes will be closed book and closed class-mate, and are to reflect only your own work.
Participation Participation includes such things as being involved in group/class discussion, asking questions in class, volunteering to present problems at the board, and attending class regularly. Please call XT 6275 if for some reason you must be absent. Attendance is expected for the midterm and the final!
Assistance Out of Class In the afternoons, make use of my office hours! Also, check the Paraprofessional's Office Hours (Palmer 130). Evening Math Tutoring is available from 7 - 9 p.m., Sunday through Thursday in Palmer 126.
Important Dates
Approximate Schedule