MA 117 Probability and Statistics Math - Block 4 - 2001

Reading in preparation for Monday, Week Three:
Chapter Twenty Three  
Read through section 1 starting on page 409.

1. Read through example 1 and notice the histogram for the sum of the draws at the top of figure 1. Check that the calculated SE (for the sum) captures about 68% of the samples within one SE of the EV (for the sum). Notice the similarity of the second histogram, which is just a change of scale to show the average.

2. Do example 1 in set A

Read section 2, which begins on p. 415 3.    In the example 3 on page 417, why is the sample average of 11.6 not the sample average?
Read through sections 3 and 4. 4.    Make an example situation for each of the four standard errors mentioned on p. 422.

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