Describe an instance from your life where a small choice, perhaps made in an offhand fashion, led eventually to a significant difference in your life. For your vignette to be relevant to the description of chaos in Chapter 4, the course of events flowing from your choice has to be deterministic and the choice has to be small. Make both of these requirements clear in your description. Try to identify some of the nonlinearities in the dynamics of your life that helped cause your choice to initiate the unexpected chain of events that it did. To emphasize the magnitude of the effect of this small choice, construct a plausible scenario of the result of your having made a different small choice under the same "life dynamics."
Your paper should be in the 1000-1500 word range. This is an individual assignment. You may discuss your ideas with others but the essay should be in your own words. Due Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 3:00PM.