Bioanalytical Texts

Quantitative Chemical Analysis (Dan Harris)
Still my students favorite. They like the writing style and I like the many biological examples. This book focuses on analytical chemistry. I have used the last four editions and have been uniformly happy with all. Freeman, 1999. ISBN:

Physical Biochemistry (David Friefelder)
This older text (1976) gives a good overview of the most iportant techniques in biochemistry in a manner suitable for an advanced undergraduate in biochemistry. It fills in some of the gaps on biochemical techniques left by harris and has some excellent applied questions at the end of each chapter. Freeman, 1976. ISBN:

Physical Biochemistry (Cantor & Shimmel)
A classic three volume text that is not for the faint-hearted. Though this text may be too dense for a typical undergradutae, it is great reading for the professor and a must for any gradutae student in biochemistry who hopes to understand physical chemistry at a resonable level of depth.

Biochemical Computing & Analysis (Cecil Jack)
This relatively short but comprehensive book deals with all topics that are needed by undergraduates, including ethical decisions. A good emphasis on spreadsheets. It s weakness lies in more of a techniques approach to topics rather than an analytical emphasis. The section on ANOVA is brief but very good.

Modern Experimental Biochemistry (Rodney Boyer)
For a lab book, the text is very readable. The long list of experiments is quite upp to date and spans a braod array of techniques. The explanations are very good. If you want a book to use in the lab that students can also read, this would be my choice.

Biochemical Techniques (Robyt & White)
This book is more of a reference than a lab text. If students need to find a lab recipe, this is the first place I would send them.

Analytical Biochemistry (Holme & Peck)
This book is pretty complete with topics, but the treatment is more on a techniqueslevel than an analytical level.