Math 220: Linear Algebra

Block B, 2015

Professor: David Brown

Office: TSC 206E

Office Phone: 227-8215

Email: dbrownATcoloradocollegeDOTedu

The class will meet M-F at 9:00 am in TSC 229.

There will be a problem session M-F 1:30 – 3:00 pm.

The textbook is: Linear Algebra and its Applications (5th ed), by David Lay et al.

The course webpage is:

Course Overview

            Linear algebra is one of the most elegant and useful areas of mathematics.  Without it, airplanes would fall out of the sky, Google wouldn’t work, and my wife couldn’t analyze the personalities of monkeys.  Studying linear algebra will help you learn to think like a mathematician, combining straightforward calculations with intuition, visualization, abstraction, and rigorous proof.  We’ll start from a seemingly trivial problem – how to solve a set of linear equations.  From there we will develop concepts and techniques that lie at the heart of virtually every area of applied mathematics.



            Homework will be due each several times each week at 4:30 pm (see daily schedule); please turn it in to the homework boxes in the lobby of the math department.  Please make sure that your HW is stapled and that each problem is clearly labeled and readable.  The assignments will be posted on the class webpage; only the indicated problems are to be turned in.  I strongly recommend that you work on the other problems also, since they will prepare you for the tests. You can use technology such as calculators and Mathematica on any homework problem.  However, note that you won’t be able to use anything more advanced than a pencil on the tests, so it is a good idea to practice some problems by hand. 

            There will be two tests, and approximately 4 quizzes (all closed book).  You will be expected to attend every class, and participate actively in within-class individual and group work.

Your grade will be based on the following breakdown: 30% homework, 25% each test, 10% quizzes, and 10% class participation.