Block 6, 2002

Professor Corinne Scheiner
Office: Armstrong 239A
Office Hours: TuTh 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. and by appointment
Telephone: x6238

This course will explore self-conscious or metafictional texts, that is, texts that call attention to themselves as artifice.  We will examine how these texts expose their status as fictional constructs both thematically and structurally and, thus, how they call into question the boundaries between fiction and reality.

Required Texts
Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
André Gide, The Counterfeiters
John Barth, Lost in the Funhouse
Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire
Luigi Pirandello, Six Characters in Search of an Author
Walter Abish, Alphabetical Africa

Reserve Reading (available online and at the Reference Desk at Tutt)

Robert Alter, Partial Magic: The Novel As a Self-Conscious Genre
Wayne Booth, The Rhetoric of Fiction
John Barth, “The Literature of Exhaustion”

Assignments and Evaluation
25% E-journaling
30% Paper
45% Independent Project
35% Paper
10% Presentation


Discussion-based classes, such as this one, depend on every student being present, prepared, and engaged; furthermore, it is just plain rude for anyone to miss class, to show up late, or to show up unprepared.  Therefore, absenteeism, tardiness, and unpreparedness will negatively affect your grade.

More than two unexcused absences per block will lower your final course grade by one half (e.g. and A- becomes a B+, a B becomes a B-, etc.).

Excused absences include travel for athletic competitions, serious illness or family emergency.  However, this is not automatic.  For such absences to be considered “excused” you must inform me that you will be absent prior to the class meeting in question and receive consent.  Talk to me in person, e-mail me, or leave a message at my work number.


Late assignments lose one full letter grade (e.g., an A- becomes a B-, a B becomes a C, etc.).  During each block you can turn in one assignment late without penalty.  This includes e-journal entries and the first paper but not your independent project (because it includes an in-class presentation).  However, you need to arrange for this “freebie late” at least one day in advance.  Talk to one of me in person, e-mail me, or leave a message at my work number.  I cannot accept assignments turned in more than one week late.

The exceptions to this policy are, of course, serious illness or family emergency.  If either happens, please talk with me.  We’ll work out a schedule for completing your course work.


Using sources beyond your primary text(s) without documentation is intellectual theft.  Borrowing work from other students violates Colorado College’s Academic Honor System as well.  All of you are too bright to do this, so please don't.

Plagiarized work receives a grade of “NC”; in addition, all honor code violations will be referred to the Honor Council.

Please make sure you understand Colorado College’s Academic Honor System; respect the academic integrity it calls for and the community of trust it aims to create.

Please indicate on all of your written work that you have upheld the Honor Code.

For more on the CC Academic Honor System, please see the following website:

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