A number of years after the failed sit-in at Mondawmin, students at Morgan State University staged a "line-in" to try to integrate a movie theater close to the campus.

Morgan State was a traditionally black university in Baltimore.






By 2002 the Northwood Theater was out of business, but the small shopping center where the theater was located was still going strong.

In the "line in," blacks refused to leave the movie theater ticket window when they could not buy a ticket, thereby halting ticket sales.






The Northwood Theater building was still standing in 2002.  The theater was the brick building located behind the shopping center.  Movie goers walked through one of the stores to get to the theater auditorium.






By 2002 the movie theater entrance and lobby were being used as a Domino's Pizza store.

When the Morgan State students staged their line-in, the movie theater owner had the students arrested.  White students from Baltimore area colleges joined the black students from Morgan State in the protest.