The bus on which Rosa Parks was riding went only two blocks.  The driver stopped here, at Moulton and Montgomery streets, and had Rosa Parks arrested for failing to obey the racial segregation laws for buses.  This Alabama history sign marks the spot.






At the street corner where Rosa Parks took her historic stand rises this new building (on the left) which houses the Rosa Parks Library and Museum.

At the time of Rosa Parks's arrest in December of 1955, the old Empire Theater stood on this site.






Four days after her arrest, Rosa Parks was tried for her crime in this building, the Montgomery City Hall.

The driver of the bus who had Rosa Parks arrested was named Fred Blake.






This is the front entrance to the Montgomery City Hall.

Through this doorway sits the recorder's court chamber, where Rosa Parks was tried for refusing to get out of her bus seat for a white person.  She was convicted of the offense by Judge John B. Scott.  She was fined $10.