State of the Environment Project
Evaluation Guidelines











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Web Page Evaluation

This weekend, please evaluate all student web projects other than your own. Your evaluations will be synthesized by me and handed back to the group as an anonymous summary of peer comments (I will NOT hand them back as original evaluations). Please be honest with your comments. Do not score your own group.

For each web site, please follow the three points below:

1. Score each question in the following categories: Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent
2. Please add a brief comment explaining your score (only in cases that warrant a comment)
3. Send scores and comments to me at

For a Microsoft Word version of the evaluation (easier to email back to me as an attachment), THAT WILL DOWNLOAD ONTO YOUR HARD DRIVE (make sure to specify where), click HERE.

Name of Group:

Your Name:

Accuracy & Authority:

Are facts in the web site correct and correctly cited?


Spelling, writing style, and grammar?


Reliability of information (reliable source and verified using other sources?)



Information objectivity (facts presented without bias?)



Topic content and coverage (All sections included? introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions/Recommendations):


Research Design and Quality (were topics well researched and presented?)


Research Extent (does the web site cover significant depth in this area?)


Data analysis (were analyses sophisticated and insightful?)

Suggestions for better research and data analyses? (no need for score here, just comments)


Functional Design:

Do all links work properly?


Is text clearly written and are images clearly represented?


Can the reader find her/his way around the site easily?


Suggestions for better functional design? (no need for score here, just comments)


Aesthetics and Creativity:

Intellectual (i.e. content) appeal of site


Visual appeal of site




Suggestions for better aesthetic design? (no need for score here, just comments)



What are the best aspects of this site?


(Answers to the following question will NOT be given out to students; this is only for Sharon):
How do you rank this site relative to the others you have evaluated? Rank 1 = highest score; 7 = lowest score

Group Participation

Please rank yourself and your partners by percent contributed to this project. (For example, if you have only one partner and each of you contributed equally, yourself and your partner would get 50% each).

For a Microsoft Word version of the evaluation (easier to email back to me as an attachment), THAT WILL DOWNLOAD ONTO YOUR HARD DRIVE (make sure to specify where), click HERE

Yourself (your name)___________________ Contribution: ______%
Partner 1(name)_______________________Contribution: ______%
Partner 2(name)_______________________Contribution: ______%
Partner 3(name)_______________________Contribution: ______%