Version 4.6


MC46C>Data folder

Global.mc4 Selected variables for the largest 174 nations N=174 V=32

SampleTS.mc4 Data file to demoTime Series analysis N=23 V=9

SeasonTS.mc4 Data file seasonal effects in Time Series N=36 V=3

States.mc4 Selected variables for the 50 states of the US N=50 V=40

Survey.mc4 Selected variables from the 1996 General Social Survey  N=2904 V=53

Trendsmp.mc4 Selected trends US 1789 to 2010 N=222yr V=27

MC46B>DataB>Duncombe_4.5.1 Data files on CC populations

MC46B>DataB>Duncombe_4.6 Data files on CC populations

MC46B>DataB>SampleQsBdemonstration module

MC46B>DataB>SampTestBdemonstration module

MC46B>DataB>SampPassBdemonstration module

MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>EcologicalB>Cross Cultural (pre-industrial)

Xcafrica.mc4 Preindustrial societies of Africa N=111 V=99

Xcasia.mc4 Preindustrial societies of Asia N=81 V=99

Xccirmed.mc4 Preindustrial societies of the Mediterrean N=65 V=99

Xcnoamer.mc4 Preindustrial societies of North America N=124 V=99

Xcsoamer.mc4 Preindustrial societies of South America N=81 V=99

Xcsopac.mc4 Preindustrial Societies of South Pacific N=101 V=99

Xcstndrd.mc4 Standard Cross-Cultural Preindustrial Sample N=186 V=203

Xcworld.mc4 Atlas of World Cultures N=563 V=100


Cities.mc4 American cities 1900-1906 N=82 V=112

Colonial.mc4 15 original colonies of America N=15 V=53

England.mc4 England and Wales, 1840s through 1860s N=44 V=60

USA20-80.mc4 USA from the 1920s to the 1980s N=50 V=565


Africa.mc4 Nations of Africa N=52 V=238

Asia.mc4 Nations of Asia N=40 V=238

Canada.mc4 Canadian Provinces and Territories N=12 V=123

Cancity.mc4 Largest Canadian Cities N=25 V=119

China.mc4 Provinces of China N=30 V=146

Europe.mc4 Nations of Europe N=38 V=238

Global01.mc4 174 nations of the world with population>200,000 N=174 V=238

Global99.mc4 174 nations of the world with population>200,000 N=174 V=238

India.mc4 22 states and 9 union territories of India N=31 V=194

IndiaR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=31 V=291

Japan.mc4 Perfectures of Japan N=47 V=558

Latin.mc4 Nations of Latin America N=27 V=238

Mexico.mc4 States of Mexico N=32 V=112

MexicoR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=32 V=276

MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>EcologicalB>States, Cities, & Counties

States00.mc4 50 States of the US N=50 V=791

States01.mc4 50 States of the US N=50 V=90

States99.mc4 50 States of the US N=50 V=791

Stf1-90.mc4 Short form file from 1990 Census N=50 V=686

Stf3-90.mc4 Long form file from 1990 Census N=50 V=1607

UScounty.mc4 Counties of the US N=3140 V=470

MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>EcologicalB>States, Cities, & CountiesB>Cities

Chicago.mc4 Chicago neighborhoods N=77 V=344

ChicagoR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=77 V=3348

Losangel.mc4 Cities of Los Angeles N=133 V=150

LosangelR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=133 V=3348

MSA90.mc4 Us Metropolitan Statistical Areas N=268 V=291

Seattle.mc4 Census Tracks of Seattle N=123 V=213

SeattleR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=123 V=3348

Stloarea.mc4 Counties of greater St Louis N=12 V=458

Stlouis.mc4 Census tracks of St. Louis N=49 V=339

StlouisR.mc4 above but the raw data file N=49 V=3348

Yorkadel.mc4 Counties of New York City and Philadelphia N=49 V=458

MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>EcologicalB>States, Cities, & CountiesB>Individual States

50 files, one for each state. County level data on 458 variables.


House103.mc4 Representatives in the 103rd Congress N=435 V=53

House104.mc4 Representatives in the 104th Congress N=435 V=63

House105.mc4 Representatives in the 105th Congress N=435 V=65

House106.mc4 Representatives in the 106th Congress N=435 V=36

Senate103.mc4 Senators of the 103rd Congress N=100 V=41

Senate104.mc4 Senators of the 104th Congress N=100 V=43

Senate105.mc4 Senators of the 105th Congress N=100 V=35

Senate106.mc4 Senators of the 106th Congress N=100 V=22

MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>SurveysB>InternationalB>Canadian Political Studies

1983psc.mc4 1983 Canadian Election Study N=2107 V=227

8384psc.mc4 Political support in Canada N=1928 V=425

Cnecp88.mc4 1988 Canadian Election StudyBCampaign period N=3609 V=249

Cnepe88.mc4 1988 Canadian Election StudyBPost-election N=3609 V=187

Cnes84.mc4 1984 Canadian Election Study N=3377 V=471

Cnesq88.mc4 1988 Canadian Election Study-Self-administered N=3609 V=110

Cnewt88.mc4 1988 Canadian Election StudyBweights N=3609 V=7

Pre88psc.mc4 1988 Canadian Pre-Election Study N=2168 V=160

Pst88psc.mc4 1988 Canadian Post-Election Study N=1946 V=318

MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>SurveysB>InternationalB>ISSP (International Social Survey Programme)

Issp1985.mc4 Role of Government N=7350 V=190

Issp1986.mc4 Social Netwroks and Suppost Systems N=10746 V=154

Issp1987.mc4 Social Inequality N=17009 V=179

Issp1988.mc4 Family and Changing Gender Roles N=12194 V=219

Issp1989.mc4 Work Orientations N=14773 V=268

Issp1990.mc4 Role of Government N=14897 V=256

Issp1991.mc4 Religion N=24970 V=356

Issp1992.mc4 Social Inequality N=23903 V=398

Issp1993.mc4 Environment N=28301 V=287

Issp1994.mc4 Family and Changing Gender Roles N=33590 V=189

Issp1995.mc4 National Identity N=30894 V=210

MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>SurveysB>InternationalB>Wvs (World Values Survey)

Wvs.mc4 World Values Survey, 1990-1993 N=59169 V=356

also 43 data sets on individual countries with varying sample sizes and number of variables

MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>SurveysB>InternationalB>Wvs97 (World Values Survey)

Wvs95-97.mc4 World Values Survey, 1995-1997 N=78574 V=594

also 48 data sets on individual countries with varying sample sizes and number of variables


Religid.mc4 National survey of religious identification, 1989-90 N=113723 V=40

MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>SurveysB>USB>GSS (General Social Survey)

Gss7200.mc4 All GSS surveys combined from >72 through >00 N=40226 V=3252

Gss7200R.mc4 same as above but the raw data file N=40933 V=3830

also a cleaned data set (no r) and a raw data set (includes r) for each of the following survey years: 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000

MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>SurveysB>USB>High School and Beyond

Hsben.mc4 Essential Variables N=11995 V=161

Hsben1.mc4 Opinion and activities variables N=11995 V=217

Hsben2.mc4 Education: curriculum and context variables N=11995 V=485

Hsben3.mc4 Education: costs and aid variables N=11995 V=252

Hsben4.mc4 Work and training variables N=11995 V=551

Hsben5.mc4 Personal health and self-concepts variables N=11995 V=87

Hsben6.mc4 Family finances variables N=11995 V=406

Hsben7.mc4 Facing the future variables N=11995 V=137

Hsben8.mc4 Testing: scores and responses variables N=11995 V=86

Hsben9.mc4 Military participation variables N=11995 V=67

MC46-->DataB>ArchiveB>SurveysB>USB>NES (National Election Study)

Nes00.mc4 1996 National Election Study N=1807 V=427

Nes00R.mc4 same as above but the raw data file N=1807 V=1869

Nes96.mc4 1996 National Election Study N=1714 V=682

Nes96R.mc4 same as above but the raw data file N=1714 V=1055

Nes98.mc4 1998 National Election Study N=1281 V=410

Nes98R.mc4 same as above but the raw data file N=1281 V=739


Cnhistgrp.mc4 Cross-national Historical Trends, 1815- N=196yr V=144

(last in the list) 2010; this is the master file for all

countries; its Afile notes@ discuss the data

set and how to merge country files to

make a custom data set.

Also 174 data sets for different nations, each with data for 196 years but varying number of



22 additional data sets for countries or areas that no longer exist as discrete geo-political



USTrend.mc4 Trends in the US from 1789 to 2010 N=222yr V=236