Block 1 September Classical Greece

Week 1 (intro, Homer





Class will be about:





Read for tomorrow:

Monday Sept. 5: opening convocation

introduction: Greeks/Hellenes: a nation, ethnos, language, culture. . . Greek (Phoenician) alphabet: chant some Homeric lines. Start a timeline. Introduce e-journaling

Browning Prologue (and initial photo-essay) pp. 7-38 (and get started on Homer)

Tues. 6

Landscape, earth culture, basic rhythm. Introduce research.

Homer Iliad books 1-8;e-journal

Wed. 7

Heroic issues: honor (geras), status (gods, kings, tis), family (Hector’s; Diomedes/Glaukos’s)

Homer Iliad books 9-16

Browning Part I, Ch. 1 “Age of Heroes” plus photo-essay on Minoan/Mycenaean world, pp. 40-62

Thursday 8

Achilles and Patroklos (Meleagros and Kleopatra); friends, lovers; glory (kleos) and home nostos. Death: Sarpedon and Patroklos

Homer Iliad books 17-24

Browning Part III, Ch. 4 (J. M. Cook on Classical Art) and photo-essay on geometric-black-red figure, pp. 116-150; e-journal on Homer, esp. in the visual-arts context

Friday 9

War and Peace on the Shield; Hektor’s death; Funeral/athletics; Funeral/lament (origin of Epic in the end of the Iliad?)

Friday and over the weekend: Aeschylus Agamemnon and a short paper expanded from the e-journal