MA315: Differential Equations

A forced oscillator at
          work  The Duffing oscillator's
          strange attractor

Welcome to the course web page for David Brown's MA315, block 4.
Here you'll find important information such as the class schedule, policies, and  homework assignments.

Meeting times
    Class: M-F 9-12 in TSC 218.

    Problem sessions: M - Th 1:30 - 3:00 and F 1:00 - 2:30

Contact info
    email me: dbrownATcoloradocollegeDOTedu

Note: I check my email throughout the day.  However, if  you email me in the evening, I may not read it before the next day.
    call me: 227-8215 (office)

Class schedule

Homework assignments

Syllabus (class policies)

Group Work Assignments

Mathematica files:

Tutorial (background)

Direction Fields

Solving Differential Equations

Euler's Method

Nonlinear Dynamics

Mass on a Spring