Map of Occupation Zones in Germany in 1945 and borders of the German Reich in 1937 


Course Description:  GR 329--The German Democratic Republic. An overview of historical,
                        political, and cultural developments from the end of World War II to the
                        unification of the German states in 1990, with consideration of important
                        works of literature and film in the context of Marxist cultural politics. No
                        prerequisite. Readings and discussion in English. (Offered alternate years).
                        1 unit.  

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II.                Texts:  Childs, David, The GDR: Moscow's Germany Ally
         Wolf, Christa, Divided Heaven

                         Wolf, Christa, No Place on Earth

                         Wolf, Christa, What Remains

                         Plenzdorf, Ulrich, The New Sorrows of Young W.

                         Kunze, Reiner, The Wonderful Years (excerpts)

                         Müller, Heinrich, The Rate Buster

                         Braun, Volker, Unfinished Story

                         Becker, Jurek, Jacob the Liar

                         Various xeroxed handouts


III.       Films:   Battle for Berlin

                          Jacob the Liar

                          Divided Heaven

                         The Murderers Are Among Us


III.             Assignments:  a.    One paper, 6-8 pages on Volker Brown's Unfinished Story.

                                            Due Monday, week IV.

b.      Final exam, Wednesday, week IV


IV.  Grading:              paper - 1/3

                                    Final exam -1/3

                                    Class participation - 1/3


Week 1:   Introduction to the GDR:

                        German History review prior to 1945  (Film: The Fall of Berlin)

                        1945-49  (Film: The Murderers are among us)


                        The special situation of Berlin

                        The GDR 1949-61

                        Political structure

                        The Wall, 1961


                        The Honecker era

                        The fall and unification

                        The New Federal states


Week 2:         The GDR and its Institutions:



                        Ideology and Society

                        The arts: film, painting, music

                        Literature in the GDR: an overview and theory

                        Zhdanov: On Socialist literature

                        Müller, The Rate Buster


Week 3:         Wolf, Divided Heaven   (See film)

                        Kunze, The Wonderful Years

                        Plenzdorf, The New Sorrows of Young W.

                        Becker, Jacob the Liar   (See film)


Week 4:         Wolf, No Place on Earth

                        Wolf, What Remains