Calculus I Syllabus
Instructor: Marlow Anderson, Palmer 140, X6543
Paraprofessional: Cayman Seacrest, Palmer 138
Course Coverage: We will be covering the first five chapters of Calculus: Early Transcendentals, by James Stewart; the first chapter is primarily algebra review, and so we will not spend much time on it.
Class Time: 9 a.m. each morning (Class will be done by 11:30)
Problem Sessions: There are two problem sessions associated with this class per week, on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, from 2:00-3:00 p.m. These sessions will be conducted by the Math Department Paraprofessional, Cayman Seacrest. They are optional, but recommended. Cayman is also available at other times; consult him for his office hours.
Homework: The homework assignments for this class are intended to be a reasonable selection of problems, designed to enable you to master the material in a given section. These problems will be neither collected nor graded, but we will discuss some of them during class, and at the Problem Sessions.
Quizzes: Most days will include a quiz, handed out at the end of class, and due in my office by 4 p.m. These quizzes will test your mastery of the homework problems, and will include problems from material covered in class one or more days earlier. These quizzes are open book and notes, but you should not discuss them or work on them with anyone else; you may of course consult with me for clarification or assistance. You should sign an Honor Code Pledge on each quiz.
Exams: There are two exams scheduled for the course. The first one is on the second Friday of the block. The second exam is on the last day of the block, and will cover the material covered since the first exam.
Grades: Your grade will be determined as follows:
Quiz Grade 30%
Exam I 35%
Exam II 35%
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